
Salary in merchant navy


    Article #1

    Welcome friends to my another video Which is related to merchant Navy ranks and salary and friend If you have not watched my video on how to join merchant after 12th, please click on a button on top right corner this ranking system ensures smooth cordination of onboard operation and is universally accepted by shipping companies and commercial vessel around the world Mainly there are three departments in Merchant Navy deck department, which is responsible for managing ship navigation along with cargo handling operation Second Department, which is responsible for operation and maintenance of ship machinery and third catering Department Which is responsible for preparation of meals for crew Now merchant navy ranks are as follows first deck Department An officer side captain a master chief officer or chief mate second officer or second mate third officer or third mate and last that deck cadet and deck rating or non officer side bosun, welder or fitter Able Seaman ordinary seaman and trainee OS here captain or master is the final authority of ship and is the highest rank that one can achieve on deck side and Bosun is the head of rating staff Engine Department on officer side chief engineer second engineer third engineer and eto Fourth engineer trainee engineer or Engine Cadet Non officer side, fitter, motor man, wiper trainee fitter and trainee wiper Here chief engineer is the head of Engine Department Now third catering department -chief cook, trainee cook and steward Now coming on salary part Mainly salary depends on type of ship if it is tanker. You will be paid higher as compared to bulk carrier or container and if your vessel is gas carrier or lpg Chemical then it will be more than the tankers Entire earning can with tax-free if you maintain NRI status that is you have to minimum sail For 183 days This salary is the maximum salary of tankers including all bonuses extra time, Per Month master and chief engineer can get maximum up to 15,000 US dollar, which is approx 10Lack in Indian rupees, per Month chief officer and second engineer can get maximum up to $12,000 which is aprox 8 lacks in Indian rupees second officer and 3rd Engineer can get maximum up to 5,000 US dollar, which is approximately 3.5 Lack in indian rupees third officer and fourth engineer can get maximum up to 3500 US dollar which is a approx 2.5 lack in indian rupees Trainee ,deck and engine cadet can get maximum to 550 US dollar which is approx 40K in indian rupees Trainee OS can get maximum up to 400 US dollar which is approx 30K in Indian rupees Trainee electrical officer can get maximum up to 800 US dollar Which is approx 55K in Indian rupees Now coming on crew salary bosun ,pump men and fitter can get maximum up to 1800 US dollar, which is approximately 1.25 lack in indian rupees Able seaman, motor men can get maximum Salary up to 1500 US dollar which is approximately 1 lackin indian rupees Now galley department chief cook can get maximum up to 2200 US dollar, which is approx 1.5 lack In indian rupees and mess man can get maximum up to 1800 US dollar Which is approx 1.2 lack in indian Rupees This was all about merchant Navy ranks and salary. If you liked the video, please click on the like button and subscribe

    Article #2

    As we all know the merchant navy is one of the most sought after careers in the world mainly because of the lucrative salary it provides. It is a difficult career option to pursue, both physically and mentally, and that is probably the main reason people are paid well in this field. Now we all know that you are interested in knowing how much does one earns in merchant navy? To answer this question, we will ask you to first watch our video on all the ranks in merchant navy along with their duties. This will help you understand the salary structure better It is to note that the exact answer on how much a maritime professional will earn depends on several factors such as Also, generally a freshly promoted 2nd engineer will earn less than a 2nd engineer who has sailed for more than 2-3 ships. Many companies provide additional benefits to loyal seafarers. Hence, a 3rd engineer who has been with a particular company for a long time may earn more than a freshly recruited 3rd engineer having more experience As mentioned earlier, though Merchant Navy is famous for offering attractive salaries to professional, a lot differs from country to country and company to company To give a general overview of how much an average seafarer earns, we will consider average salaries of seafarers across various departments and ranks. Do note that the seafarers are usually hired on a contractual basis, i.e. they are not hired as a permanent employee and the company will pay the seafarer on a monthly basis till the contract is over. Hence, the salary details provided in this video are on a monthly basis and not yearly. Also, the salary range will vary depending upon the nationality of the seafarer. For e.g. the person residing in an Asian Country will usually have a lesser salary as compared to that in most of the european countries. If you are joining a company which owns the ship, you maybe able to negotiate a higher salary when compared to a ship management company as the owner allots budget for the whole ship operation to the management company, including the salary of the crew, and the management company has to run the ship in the provided budget Following is the average range of salaries in USD ($) for those seafarers who have freshly joined the position: Average Salaries for Asian/ European or US Seafarers for Dry ships which includes container, bulk carrier, and roro ships are as follows Average Salaries for Asian/ European/ and US Seafarers for tanker ships which include oil, Chemical, and LNG carrier are as follows The salary of an Ordinary Seaman, wiper, Able Seaman catering department is almost similar to a dry ship. The Seafarer sailing in gas carrier ships Will have salary range on the higher side Please do note that the salary range will further go down if the company provides round the year wages i.e. both when onboard and when on land.

    Article #3

    Hello Everybody, welcome back to another Ship's Vlog. This VLOG is little bit different from my other regular vlogs. I have been getting lot of questions in the comment section regarding the life onboard, what is the duty and resposibility of a DECK OFFICER? And lot of other shipping related queries . So i thought it would be nice to consolidate all the answers in a vlog and show it to you guys. I will be shooting this vlog in our recreational room, Where we gather for some small parties and some small gatherings.. I will show you around.. So we have a couch over here, Actually our recreational room is under renovation as we have recently received some new equipment such as we received a new television, play station, some games. So we will be installing our television over here. So in this Vlog, we will be discussing all the questions that you guys have been asking in the comment section. and I have gathered lot of information from multiple sources and what i know about shipping and i will try to answer all the shipping related queries that you guys have. I hope that you will find this vlog informative. First of all let me introduce myself. My name is Ojus Rawat. and I am sailing as a 2nd Mate(Second Officer) onboard Born and brought up in Kotdwara Uttarakhand. Its a small city in Northern part of India near the Himalayas. I did my schooling in Kotdwara. After i passed my 12th with PCM i gave this IGNOU CET exam. Now a days it is conducted under IMU CET. In our time it was IGNOU CET. I cleared the exam IGNOU CET for the DNS Course that is one year diploma in Nautical Science. And got a decent percentile. And then i got selected for TS Chanakya. Which is a Maritime College in Navi Mumbai. 1 year in TS Chanakya was a bag full of adventure and surprises for me. Because first time i was living in a big city and we had batchmates from different parts of the Country. So it was really a mix up of adventure i can say. And in the 2nd Semester of my college i got placed. And i was fortunate enough to get placed. Why fortunate? that i will tell you in later part of video. After completing my 1 year DNS Course in TS Chanakya, I did all the mandatory STWC courses. Then i applied for my CDC(Continuous Discharge Certificate) When I received my CDC, then i reported to the office They allotted me a ship and my joining was from port Talbot UK. So i was ready to join my first ship. My first ship was a Cape size Bulk Carrier. For my first joining i flew from Delhi to UK. And the joining process was pretty smooth. Even though i was joining a ship for the first time. But we had around 5 crew members all together we were joining the ship including 2 Engineers. For me it was a different experience because first time i was flying abroad. But everything went smooth. First Ship guys was a total roller coaster for me because during your college you read about everything theoretically , but when you are actually on at the location, on that ship you are practically seeing everything going around you. So your mind goes like [Confused] Anyhow, with the help of my seniors and good mentors i had nice senior officers. They taught me well and i managed to get familiarized myself with ship board operations. I did total of 2 ships in my training period. The Mandatory period was 18 months as sea time. I did that in 2 ships (2 contracts). After completing my required sea time i went for my 2nd Mate's preparatory courses. And all the courses, exams, whether it was written/oral I did from Delhi. After doing this in Dec 2013 I cleared my exams. My Second mate exams. And in Jan 2014 i applied for my COC(certificate of competency) I received my COC in march 2014. And i was fortunate enough that within a week i was onboard as a junior officer. So I joined this time the ship was a VLOC(Very Large Ore Carriers) and the voyage was from Brazil to China. We were loading Iron Ore in Brazil and discharging it in China. I joined as a 4th Officer. As a Junior officer. And then for 2.5 months i sailed as a junior officer. After 2.5 months onboard, i got promoted as 3rd Mate (3rd Officer). And i did i think 4-4.5 months more on that Ship. So after total of 7.5 months of contract i got down from that Ship and after that I did 2 more contracts as a 3rd Mate. before i got promoted as a 2nd Mate. In 2016, i already did 3 contracts as a 3rd Mate and I was ready for promotion. Office already approved my promotion. In 2016, i also got married in Oct 2016. My wife's name is Shilpa. She is a Software Engineer by profession. And right now both of us are living in Bangalore. In 2017, i got promoted as a 2nd Mate(2nd Officer). And after that, right now this is my 3rd contract as a 2nd Mate. In between I took around 11 months of break just to give all my Chief Mate preparatory classes and exams. Which is still under process. I have not cleared it yet. So lets discuss about the important topic regarding which i have been getting lot of questions in the comment section, that how is the life onboard? Duty and Responsibility as a deck officer? What are the salaries of different ranks? So before telling you the salaries and other things I will just give you a brief idea how is the situation onboard. You know what all ranks we have onboard and what all departments we have. So, on the Ship, on a merchant vessel, on a generalized merchant vessel, we have total of 3 departments: Deck department, Engine and Catering. So DECK department consists of Deck Ratings, Deck Officers and Captain. In Engine department we have Engine Ratings, Engineers and Chief Engineer. And in Catering we have Chief Cook and Messman. These are the major departments we have onboard a Merchant Vessel. Now coming to Salary. Salary on a Merchant Vessel for different ranks depends upon various factors. Such as what Shipping Company you are sailing on. The type of Vessel you are sailing on. Lets say if you are on a Oil-Tanker or a Chemical Tanker or on a Gas Carrier, your salary will be comparatively higher than the same rank which is getting in Bulk Carrier or a general cargo ship. Then, other thing is your Nationality. Your experience, your time in the rank. How much experience you have on the same rank. So these are the various factors that determine how much salary you will get at a certain rank. Salary of a deck officer, 3rd Mate , 2nd Mate, Cadet So i have asked lot of my batch mates . Those who are in different Companies and sailing on different kind of ships And i have summarized a range of salary. It cannot be exact number because like I said that salary differs from Shipping company and also depends upon your Rank. So i have summarized a Salary range of 3rd Mate, 2nd Mate, Chief Mate and Captain. Firstly let me clarify the figure of salary which i am going to tell you is a range which i got by asking a lot of my batch mates. Those who are sailing on different companies and different kind of ships. So exact number cannot be determined because salary differs from shipping company and also differs according to your experience in that rank. So I have created a range and you can expect your salary , like if you will be joining as a 3rd Mate or 2nd Mate, you can expect your salary within that range. So as a 3rd Mate on board you can expect your salary to be in range scale between 2600$ to 3600$ per month. Like I said, it differs from Shipping company to shipping company and also in your experience in the rank. For a 2nd Mate, you can expect somewhere around 3800$ to 4800$. As a Chief Mate now once you become a senior officer , a management level officer A Chief mate or a Captain, then the salary range scale is very vast. Because the chief mate on a Bulk Carrier and a Chief mate on a Oil Tanker will be getting different kind of salary. So lets say if I comprise the Chief Mate salary would be around 6500$ to 9000$. And it can be more. It depends upon the type of Ship you are sailing and your shipping company. For Master(Captain), I would say the salary would lie between the range of 9000$ to 12000$ per month!! And ofcourse it might differ also. So now lot of guys are asking question to me that how much I am getting as a Deck Officer onboard. As a Deck Cadet onboard, my salary was between 700$ - 750$ . When i was promoted to 3rd Mate , my salary was between 3300$ to 3600$ . And then when i became 2nd Mate, my salary was in between 4400$ to 4800$. So, like i said it differs by contract to contract because you gain experience and your salary will also increase. The increment in your salary depends upon the experience in the rank. So lets say if a 2nd mate is sailing in his first contract and a 2nd mate is sailing on his 5th contract so the guy who is sailing on his 5th contract surely will be getting a higher salary comparative to the guy who is sailing on the first contract. So that how shipping works. Lets talk about some more important topics which as an individual I felt that i should discuss with you guys and also i will discuss some of my mistakes which i made so that you can learn form my mistakes. All the merchant navy aspirants those who are planning to start your career at sea and join shipping , my suggestion will be , my strong recommendation will be please get a sponsorship. Sponsorship is very important now a days because you know the shipping is all about demand and supply. We have lot of maritime training institutes in India. So you can imagine every year how many deck cadets and how many engine cadets are passing out from the institute. Lot of jobs option are there but sometimes in shipping you will find there is a drop in the vacancy . So lets say you passed out from a college but you don't have placement , you don't have sponsorship. It will become very difficult Trust me guys, its very difficult to find a shipping company and to start a career. So from my point of view , if you take my recommendation, get a sponsorship. Now a days , this exam is conducted by IMU (Indian Maritime University) CET (Common Entrance Test) . So, together with the IMUCET , you can look for the companies who are providing the sponsorship. Specially there are some of the companies who are providing sponsorship and they will train you in their own training institute. So once you have sponsorship, your job is guaranteed. So lets say, in my case i enrolled myself for a Maritime Institute but i was not sponsored in the first case itself. So what happened, i was fortunate enough that i got placed in my second semester. Because if you don't get placed guys then you have to roam around at every doorstep of shipping companies for searching for job. And trust me guys i experienced some of my batch mates those who were not placed during the college time . and they were still searching for the ships . Till the time when i already completed my cadetship. Second thing guys is plan your finance as soon as you start earning. You might be hearing this from your elders as well but as a seafarer, as a deck officer i will advise you to plan your finance as soon as you start earning even as a deck cadet. The salary in merchant navy is very lucrative. My suggestion is just imagine that whatever you are earning in 7-8 months lets say, your contract for a year is 7 months, so whatever you are earning in 7 months, you have to suffice it for full year duration. Because in merchant navy guys we are not getting paycheck every month. We are getting paycheck only when we are onboard. So you have to maintain you have to suffice that money for the full year duration. So , if you plan your finances well, you have lot of savings guys , it will definitely help you in long run. My suggestion is do take a term plan at early stage of your career when you are young. When you are junior officer, even as a cadet. Take a term plan because at that time installment will be pretty less. And don't go for go for that conventional insurance scheme we have. Take a term plan and if you start at an early age your monthly installment will be pretty less. Second thing guys is that you can start investing in mutual funds. Its really simple and you can get lot of information about mutual fund online and it is in a longer run guys it is really beneficial. Another suggestion from my side is as a junior officer as soon as you complete your sea time. Your required sea time for the next rank. Go for your exams guys. Don't wait unless and untill you have some emergency or you have some urgent commitments at home. Go for your exams. At least do the courses. And you can slowly gradually prepare for exams and give it later, but once you finish your required sea time guys give your exams. Because this will help you to progress in your career faster. Salary difference guys as a second mate as a third mate and as a chief mate the salary difference is huge. So imagine as soon as you become chief mate you will start earning more. So that is one of the mistake i did. So that is all for now I hope I covered all the question that you guys have been asking in the comments. And if I missed out something, do write in the comment section below and I will definitely include in my next vlog. For all the shipping aspirants please check out my other vlogs and you will have a glimpse of life onboard . Let me know in the comment section guys if you find this informative. Please like, share and subscribe to my channel for more shipping related vlog . I will see you in the next vlog till then be safe and take good care of yourself.

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